Explore our Checklists and Flow Charts
Explore our library of checklists and flow charts! Whether you’re nearing retirement, looking for tax advice, or curious about investing, we’ve got you covered!

Can I Do A Qualified Charitable Distribution From My IRA?
This flow chart addresses common issues pertaining to Qualified Charitable Distribution IRA rules for charitable investors.
Retirement Planning

Should I Take My Pension As A Lump Sum?
In this checklist, we cover a number of financial issues to consider when you have the option of taking your pension as a Lump Sum.

Am I Eligible For Social Security Benefits If I Have Been Divorced?
Social Security benefits can be confusing if you are divorced. There are several important and unique issues that must be considered before filing a claim to collect Social Security benefits.

Do I Qualify For Social Security Disability Benefits?
This flow chart addresses some of the most common issues that arise for an individual facing a social security disability.

Am I Eligible For Social Security Benefits As A Surviving Spouse?
This flowchart addresses common Social Security eligibility issues that arise for clients who have recently lost their spouse or ex-spouse.

What Issues Should I Consider Before I Retire?
This checklist covers 32 of the most important planning issues to identify and consider for anyone who is about to retire.

Am I Eligible For Social Security Benefits As A Spouse?
This flow chart makes it easier to analyze whether or not you are eligible for social security benefits as a spouse.

If I Retire Early, Should I Buy Health Insurance Through The Health Insurance Marketplace?
This flow chart helps early retirees decide whether they should buy health insurance from the health insurance marketplace.

Can I Do A Qualified Charitable Distribution From My IRA?
This flow chart addresses common issues pertaining to Qualified Charitable Distribution IRA rules for charitable investors.

Should I Inherit My Deceased Spouse’s Traditional IRA?
This flow chart addresses common issues that arise when you inherit a traditional IRA from a deceased spouse.

Will My Social Security Benefits Be Reduced?
This flow chart is based on the Social Security Administration's guide, "Retirement Benefits", and addresses common issues.
Tax Preparation and Filing

As A Retiree, What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Tax Return?
In this checklist, we highlight points to consider on your tax return so that you can understand your tax liabilities for the prior year.

As Someone Who Is Working, What Issues Should I Consider When Reviewing My Tax Return?
This checklist highlights what you should consider when reviewing your tax return if you are currently working.

Important Milestones
This quick reference guide covers key milestones to keep in mind throughout the year for yourself and loved ones.

Can I Make A Mega Backdoor Roth Contribution?
In this flowchart, we address some of the most common issues that arise for someone who is interested in making a Mega Backdoor Roth IRA contribution.

Important Numbers
This quick reference guide covers the most important annual limits as well as figures that are common for investors to refer to.

Should I Consider Doing A Roth Conversion?
This flow chart helps guide you through doing a Roth conversion and addresses some of the major decision points.

Is The Distribution From My 529 Plan Taxable?
This flow chart covers some of the most common issues for those who are planning to take a distribution from a 529 account.

Can I Avoid Taking My RMD After Reaching My Required Beginning Date?
This flow chart addresses common questions about RMDs if you have reached RMD age including what to do if you forgot to take an RMD.

Am I Eligible For A Qualified Business Income Deduction?
This flow chart addresses some of the most common issues that arise when trying to understand whether you are eligible for a QBI deduction.

Can I Make A Deductible Contribution To My HSA?
This flow chart addresses some of the most common issues that arise for an investor trying to contribute to an HSA.

Can I Do A Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) Distribution?
This flow chart addresses some of the most common issues that arise for an investor thinking about doing an NUA distribution.

Can I Make A Deductible IRA Contribution?
This flow chart addresses common factors affecting eligibility rules for traditional IRAs and whether contributions will be deductible or not.

What Issues Should I Consider When Harvesting Capital Losses?
This checklist covers some key issues to consider when you are thinking of implementing a tax-loss harvesting strategy.

Do I Need To Start Making Estimated Federal Income Tax Payments?
This flow chart identifies factors that can help you through an estimated payment analysis.

What Will Have The Least Tax Impact: Harvesting Capital Gains Or Roth Conversions?
This flow chart covers key considerations when weighing the options of a Roth conversion or harvesting capital gains.

What Issues Should I Consider As A Business Owner Or 1099 Worker?
This checklist covers some key issues a business owner (or 1099 worker) should consider when making financial planning decisions.
Investment Planning

Should I Contribute to My Roth IRA VS My Traditional IRA?
This flow chart guides you through deciding whether you should contribute to a Roth IRA vs a Traditional IRA.

What Issues Should I Consider Regarding My Incentive Stock Options?
This checklist helps guide your decision-making process regarding Incentive Stock Options (ISO's).

Should I Contribute To My Roth 401(K)?
This flow chart helps guide you through a series of considerations that will inform your decision whether to contribute to a Roth 401(k).

What Accounts Should I Consider If I Want To Save More?
This checklist outlines available and appropriate saving strategies for saving more, from employer benefits to tax-deferred insurance.

Can I Contribute To My Roth IRA?
This flow chart addresses the key Roth IRA eligibility considerations, including earned income, traditional IRA, and MAGI thresholds.

Should I Roll Over My Dormant 401(K)?
This flow chart addresses some of the most common issues that should be considered before doing a 401(k) rollover.

Should I Consider Refinancing My Mortgage?
This checklist helps guide you about your mortgage and covers interest rate trends, available alternatives, and more.

Should I Set Up A Traditional 401(K) For My Business?
This flow chart addresses some of the most common issues that arise for people looking to set up a 401K retirement plan for their business.

Can I Make A Backdoor Roth IRA Contribution?
This flow chart shows you whether or not you qualify for a backdoor Roth IRA contribution, and how to implement this strategy without penalty.

Will My Roth IRA Conversion Be Penalty-Free?
This flow chart addresses common issues that you may encounter when doing a Roth conversion.

What Issues Should I Consider Regarding My Non-Qualified Stock Options?
Deciding whether and when to exercise NQSOs and sell shares can be difficult. This checklist helps guide you regarding your NQSOs.
Estate Planning

What Issues Should I Consider If I Experience A Sudden Wealth Event?
This checklist guides you through financial windfalls such as the sale of real estate, inheritance, lottery winnings, settlements, and more.

What Issues Should I Consider Before I Update My Estate Plan?
This checklist covers 18 of the most important planning issues to identify and consider before updating your estate plan.

What Issues Should I Consider Before Closing The Estate?
This checklist covers 24 of the most important planning issues to identify and consider before you close an estate for a loved one.
Additional Resources

What Issues Should I Consider During A Recession Or Market Correction?
This checklist covers many of the issues and investing strategies to consider during a recession or market correction.

Am I Eligible For Medicare Part A And Part B?
In most cases, determining Medicare eligibility is a straightforward process. Nevertheless, it is important to review your unique circumstances in order to make an accurate determination and to identify your available options.

What Documents Do I Need To Keep On File?
In this checklist, we cover a number of documents that investors need to consider keeping in case they encounter any number of issues.

What Issues Should I Consider If I Get A Promotion Or Raise At Work?
In this checklist, we focus on reviewing the potential financial impact of getting a raise or a promotion.

What Issues Should I Consider Before The End Of The Year?
In this checklist, we cover planning issues that investors should consider prior to year-end to ensure they stay on track.

What Issues Should I Consider For My Aging Parents?
In this checklist, we cover financial issues that you need to consider when faced with helping and potentially caring for aging parents.

What Issues Should I Consider During My Divorce?
This checklist covers 28 of the most important planning issues to identify and consider when you are going through a divorce.

Am I At Risk Of Having My Identity Stolen Or Being A Victim Of Fraud?
This checklist covers common threats and scams, ensuring that you are informed and actively protecting your identity and assets.

What Issues Should I Consider If I Lose My Job?
In this checklist, we cover a number of financial issues to consider when you are facing unemployment or layoffs.

Am I Eligible For An IDR Plan For My Federal Student Loans?
This flow chart helps guide individuals that hold federal student loans through the IDR options that may be available to them.

What Issues Should I Consider If My Parent Passed Away?
This checklist guides you through legal, financial, and emotional aspects, offering support during a challenging time.

What Issues Should I Consider If My Spouse Passed Away?
This checklist explores the challenges when a spouse passes away.